Announcements for Friday October 1st 2021

The homecoming football game is TODAY at 7pm. Tickets are $5 for all. $3 with school I.D

The homecoming parade is this saturday October 2nd at 10am. The parade will start at the community center and go down through Glenpark to Bennington and end at the high school. There is no parking at the Community Center the day of the parade.

The homecoming dance is this saturday October 2nd from 7-10pm at the Stadium. All students make sure you bring your school I.D. and that goes for your guest as well

Totals for class movie theme day was Freshmen in 4th place - 15% dressed up, Sophomores in 3rd place - 17% dressed up, Juniors in 2nd place - 25% dressed up, Seniors in 1st place - 31% dressed up

Penny war totals are as follows.. Juniors - 1st, Sophomore - 2nd, Seniors - 3rd, Freshman - 4th

Teachers just as a reminder to please count during 4th hour today if students are dressed up.

All students will report to homeroom today, after 6th period class, for a Pirate Eye episode and will remain in homeroom until announcements are made with instructions.

Students: Please visit the homeroom page located in Canvas on the student services page for more information.  Staff the link to this page is available to you on the staff resource page under the homeroom icon


This week's Pirate Code Winner is Emma Eiswirth.

This week's Rockstar Parking winner is Parsa Divanbeigi.